Project Code: AFG-21/348/1/RA3/EIE/INGO/20066
Province: Kandahar
Districts: 3rd,6th,7th,8th,9th, 10th
Donor: AHF
Beneficiaries: Host Community, IDPs, Returnees
Project Start Date: 12/18/2021
Project End Date: 12/18/2022
Total Directed Beneficiaries: 1088 HHs
Project Overview
The proposed action will include direct implementation support for the 3rd Reserve Allocation for Education in Emergencies (EiE) by AHF with a focus on 2 prioritized provinces (Helmand and Kandahar). IRC and OHW will support a total of 2,100 students through 60 Community Based Education (CBE) and Accelerated Learning Program (ALP) classes and 6,000 students by establishing temporary learning spaces where integration into existing formal schools is not possible or safe. Provision of teaching and learning materials for the influx of internally displaced persons (IDPs), children displaced by the conflict, both self-learning and those to be used in the Temporary Learning Space (TLS) or during small group activities will be carried out. The location of CBE and ALP classes will be selected in result of close coordination among IRC, and OHW, being operationally present in the areas, implementing actors and relevant local authorities considering the highest number of displacements and Out Of School Children (OOSC) in both Helmand and Kandahar Provinces.
The support packages will be distributed, and their utilization will be monitored during implementation in direct collaboration with a local partner. Support materials will seek to reduce indirect costs associated with schooling and provide teachers with resources to improve the learning environment for children who have experienced disruptions and learning loss over the past year due to COVID-19 and the ongoing conflict. Distributions will target locations with no other outside support to ensure equitable access to learning resources in Helmand and Kandahar. IRC will operate in Helmand while OHW will conduct activities in Kandahar. IRC will oversee partner implementation in Kandahar through a combination of remote monitoring “visits” for program verification from the Kabul-based team, as well as regular and ongoing progress monitoring and feedback from national and provincial (Helmand) teams. IRC will submit 5W monthly reports to EiE WG through the reporthub for both Kandahar and Helmand provinces.