What is the role of OHW in project implementation?

OHW is responsible for overseeing the implementation of its projects and ensuring that they are carried out according to the project plan and budget. OHW also ensures that the projects are implemented in accordance with the organization's policies, procedures, and standards.

How can I report concerns about project implementation via the FCRM mechanism?

If you have concerns or suspicions about fraud, corruption, or mismanagement in project implementation, you can report them to the designated department or individual responsible for managing the FCRM mechanism in OHW. This can be done through a confidential reporting system, such as a hotline or email address, or by submitting a report directly to the FCRM department.

What information should I include in my report about project implementation?

Your report should include as much detail as possible about the suspected fraud, corruption, or mismanagement. This can include the project name, location, individuals involved, and any evidence or documentation to support your concerns.

What happens after I report a concern about project implementation via the FCRM mechanism?

Once you report a concern about project implementation via the FCRM mechanism, OHW will investigate the matter and take appropriate action. This may include conducting an internal audit, involving external auditors or investigators, or taking disciplinary action against individuals involved in the suspected wrongdoing.

Will my identity be protected if I report a concern about project implementation via the FCRM mechanism?

Yes, OHW has established confidentiality and privacy protocols to protect the identity of whistleblowers and ensure that they are not subject to retaliation. However, it is important to note that anonymity may not always be possible, particularly if further information or clarification is required.

How can I report suspected fraud, corruption, or mismanagement by OHW staff members?

If you have concerns or suspicions about fraud, corruption, or mismanagement by OHW staff members, you can report them through OHW's confidential reporting system, such as a hotline or email address. You can also report concerns directly to the FCRM department. OHW takes all reports of suspected wrongdoing seriously and will investigate them thoroughly.