Country Director's Message
I am very pleased to share with you that we have made significant progress in our work in 2022. Our effective coordination and collaboration at the regional level have enabled us to provide services to the most vulnerable children and marginalized communities across Afghanistan.
As everyone knows better and is familiar with OHW which stands for people who are unprotected and need assistance and support, we bring local power to the account for local governance and our strategic priorities focus on Human Rights, Food Security, Women's Rights (Girls Education, Women Economic Empowerment), Child Protection (child rights and child protection), Advocacy, Education (education in emergency and formal education) Agriculture and horticulture (Forestry, Water Management, and Drip Irrigation), research, assessments, and Governance to empower most excluded communities.
We understand on accountability and transparency to the donor funds and give value to the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation at the gross root level. So we are approaching different kinds of methodologies to ensure accountability and transparency from downward to upward and vice versa including rights holders apart from that OHW established CRM (Complain Response Mechanism), Procurement Management System and HR Management System within the organization to ensure the effective use of resources. 2022 was a challenging year for OHW in which our female colleagues were banned from working.
Despite the number of challenges OHW overcame to get control of the situation through a strongly committed team and active community engagement, as OHW was committed to the donor and partner for the effective implementation fortunately we have successfully completed and achieved the committed objectives and goals
Yours Sincerely,
Donor's Testimonials

Organization of Human Welfare (OHW) has been a cooperating partner with World Food Programme since 2012 in the implementation of Asset Creation (AC), Emergency Responds (EMG) and Economically Stressed Rural Population (ESRP) projects in Bamyan, Daikundi and Parwan Provinces.

We would like to acknowledge that OHW has been one of the most proactive and trust-worthy implementing partners (IP) for UNHCR in the Southern Afghanistan since 2011, and their endeavors to facilitate successful implementation of UNHCR programs and activities have been invaluable

Organization of Human Welfare (OHW) has been a cooperating " partner with War Child Canada since 2014 in the implementation of Protection and legal
Support for Women and 'Children in Afghanistan. and Shaping Afghanistan's Future

On behalf of the International Relief and Development(HRD) Afghan Civilian Assistance Program II (ACAP II), I would like to express my sincerest appreciation and gratitude to OHW for the services provided within grant # CRG-12-05 for the project "Provision of Medical Services in South and West Regions".
Your Hard Work and dedication to the mentioned project made it successfully completed.

Awarded to Organization of Human Welfare!
In Appreciation of your dedication, commitment and participation in the professionalization of Afghan Civil Society Organization Programme Between October 2012 and March 2013

To reverent Organization of Human Welfare!
Is one of the active organizations working for Afghan women in Afghanistan. The Organization is the member of Afghan Women's Network. The Organization has been registered in 23/08/1390 with registration number 40.

Afghan Civil Society Organization for Peace (ACSONP) appreciates hard and effective work of OHW during the 30 days of Peace Day Campaign from 1st September to 30th September 2011 in Afghanistan.

I visited some of your child protection programmes in Faryab. I wanted to let you know that I was really very impressed with your team. You are clearly reaching some of the most vulnerable children and we value the commitment of your team to support them.
Our Donors & Partners