Project Code: AFG-22/3481/RA3/FSAC/NGO/23656
Project Name: Cash for food assistance to IPC Phase 3 and 4 vulnerable people in Jawzjan Province
Province: Jowzjan
Districts: Qarqin district
Beneficiaries: Host Community
Project Start Date: 12/15/2022
Project End Date: 7/31/2023
Total Directed Beneficiaries: 957 HHs
Project Overview
OHW is implementing Cash for food assistance to IPC Phase 3 and 4 vulnerable people with the financial support of the Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund (AHF) in the Qarqin district of Jowzjan province. Total target beneficiary 957 HH (6700 Individuals). Duration of project from Dec.2022 till July 2023.
There is food and NFI needs in the Qarqeen District, according to a recent assessment conducted in Jawzjan in May 2022. Majority Because agriculture makes up 30% of HHs’ primary sources of income and because the income from agriculture decreased significantly and slightly compared to last year (by 53% and 38%, respectively), 86% of HHs do not have enough seeds for the following year, and 78% of HHs is very concerned about drought.
In accordance with the priorities of the Food Security Agriculture Cluster (FSAC), OHW will provide cash assistance to 957 HHs (6,700 people) in the Jawzjan qarqin district (each HH will receive a total of 432 USD for the equivalent local currency in AFN), as per cluster standards, to support and meet their household food needs for a period of six months. The cash assistance will be given out in 3 installments, each of which will be worth USD 144 (which is double the monthly ratio) over the course of 6 months.
Project Outcome
1-Conducted mobilization and beneficiary selection in 20 villages of Qarqin district and Established 20 Beneficiaries committees in 20 villages of Qarqin district
2-A total of 1516 families including 1206 males and 310 females were identified using the Kobo survey system, including 957 familial, including 734 males and 223 females as direct or final beneficiaries.
3-Conducted Pre distribution monitoring
4–OHW respectively distributed the first installment distribution of cash assistance for 957 HHs (6700 individuals) in the Qarqin district of Jowzjan province with in-cash assistance (value of 144 USD equivalent local currency in (12456 AFN) as per project and cluster standards and the cash assistance will be distributed in three installments along a period the total amount of cash assistance (value of 432 USD equivalent local currency AFN) for per households.
4-Awareness raising on OHW Code of Conduct, PSEA, Antifraud, nutrition COVID-19, communication, and good hygiene practices to the 216 members of BSC and relevant stakeholders, and 957 beneficiaries of the project.
5-Post Distribution monitoring is conducted after 20 days of distribution of the first installment of cash distribution.
6- Market monitoring has been conducted from February till May 2023 and it is done monthly basis.
7-Participated FSAC monthly coordination meetings from Dec.2022 till May 2023 and also participated in ACBAR coordination meeting, Department of Economic and Sectorial monthly coordination meeting.